Wednesday 1 August 2012

Peach Pie

4 persons, 4,00€, Easy

I am not a dessert person, - too sweet :) by nature! I cook the occasional treat. This is nice for a tea while having a gossip session with your friends.

6 / 7 peaches
1 tbspn brown sugar
1 (ready made) puff pastry
2 tbsp plain Greek yogurt

How to prepare:
1. Turn the oven on at 180º
2. Peel and slice the peaches getting rid of the stone.
3. Place the sliced peaches in a small frying pan with the brown sugar.
4. With a high temperature allow the sugar to caramelise and the peaches to cook slightly.
5. When ready move the peaches to a silicon cake mould and cover with the pastry.
6. Make an hole on the pastry for the peaches to bread, avoiding pastry sogginess, and place in the oven.
7. Allow 25 minutes to bake.
8. Turn the pie upside down into a serving dish, and serve warm with some plain Greek yogurt.

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