Tuesday 31 July 2012

Beetroot and Carrot Mess

Warm Salad 2/3 persons; Cost 1,50€; Difficulty: Easy

This was a success - it is very easy and quick to cook, and it brings colour and exotic flavour to your table, both sweet and spicy. Besides, it is packed with vitamin, and beetroot improves athletic performance (check the science here). Hope you enjoy. Now with a picture, we cooked it again!
1 carrot
Grated Coconut
1 small beetroot
juice of 1/2 lemon
1/2 tbsp grated coconut
1 tsp honey
curry powder
salt, olive oil

How to prepare:
1. Peel and grate the carrot and the beetroot;
2. Place both in the frying pan, with a drop of olive oil, a pinch of salt, and curry powder. The amount of curry powder depends on your taste and on how intense the variety you're using is - with the typical supermarket brand, I would recommend 1/2 tsp.
3. Once tender (5-10 minutes, depending on your hob), add the coconut, honey and lemon juice (preferably, freshly squeezed).
4. Mix everything and serve as a side dish.
Fresh Beetroot

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