Friday 17 August 2012

Spinach and CheeseRoll

3 persons, 2,00€, Easy

1 pack of washed spinach leaves
2 eggs
2 tbsp Greek yogurt
3 tbsp flour
1 drop of olive oil
salt and pepper
100 gr feta cheese

How to prepare:

  1. Warm the oven to 190ºC
  2. Place the spinach with the olive oil in the wok and allow five minutes to tender.
  3. Cream the spinach in the blender.
  4. Meanwhile beat the eggs with the yogurt and the flour.
  5. Add the spinach to the previous mixture.
  6. Drop the green dough in a tray covered with baking paper and place in the oven for about 15 minutes (do not overcook).
  7. Turn off the oven and take the tray out.
  8. Carefully take the spinach bake out of the tray keeping it on the paper.
  9. Cover with feta cheese pieces and roll.
  10. Serve hot, cut into slices, with tomato sauce and salad.

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